Sunday, March 23, 2008

Be Afraid ... Be Very Afraid ...

Have you ever tried to help your kid with his spelling? There is definitely some rote learning and regurgitation going on but that is not the point I want to bring across here. I was helping C who is in Primary 3 with his spelling one day and I almost fell off my chair when I saw his spelling list.

"Dad, please test my spelling for the following words!"

Fear - alarm - panic - dread - terror - horror - fright - nightmare - trepidation - apprehension

Spelling lists have certainly come a long way since I was in school. It is good that our kids are equipped with a list of words in their arsenal so that they are ever-ready to spin off tales and poems at a drop of a coin. At least, their future in writing will be brighter than mine 30 years ago: "It was a dark and stormy night, I was alone in the cemetery and I was scared ... very very scared ..."

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Two eyes good, four eyes not so good ...

After less than 3 months in the new school year, J and C have finally succumbed to the leading eye disease in Singapore. They came back from school one day and announced that they had their vision checked and were advised to visit the optometrist. A visit to the optometrist confirmed that they each require a pair of glasses. Myopia, according to the Singapore National Eye Centre, is a rapidly worsening public health problem in Singapore (maybe it's infectious ... arrgh!) It affects 25% of 7 year olds, 33% of 9 year olds, 50% of 12 year olds and more than 80% of 18 year old males in Singapore.

When I was about J and C's age, only two of my classmates require glasses (check out my class photo, circa 1977). According to a NewScientist article, the main cause of myopia is the lifestyle. Children now spend much of their time focusing on close objects, such as books and computers. We really gotta get our kids out of the house. Play some sports or run in the park.

If they need new pair of glasses every year (S$200 a pair x 2 pairs x 10 years = S$4000), I suppose I have to start saving for lasik ...